- +1's and a Poll / rank system in the Forum
- A consistent volume for all audio recordings
- A decent user guide
- A real forum system wherein one could be able to edit their own comments,
- A search function in the Forum
- A subforum for each language that allows people to talk in the language they are learning
- A system of the learner being able to alter the answer just for himself/herself/itself,
- A tracking system (e.g. something like TRAC) to actually, well, create and organize tickets concerning certain issues
- Abandoned Courses List
- Ability to disable Typing
- Ability to find people by Username
- Ability to sort, review & rate courses
- Ability to sort Mems created by Mempals on Mem tab
- Accuracy Bonus
- Active Course list
- Add a choice to turn off the "water a word three times after you get it wrong" function.
- Adding Audio to Course
- Adding Contributors
- Adding alts with Bulk update
- All Page Links
- Alternatives to Memrise
- An Off-line Desktop App (Windows/iOS) without permanent internet connection
- Anglais Débutant à Avancé
- Arabic layout (initial, middle and end characters)
- Asian Courses
- Attribute Fields
- Audio FAQ
- Auto-Ignore Function
- Auto-grow Auto-learn
- BETA site features to bring back
- Badges for "finished" courses
- Basic Issues
- Basic questions
- Best Mems
- Better/more communication with the community
- Better course creation facilities
- Bring back the high point leader board,
- Bug List
- Cat Mems
- Catacademy
- Categories
- Changing password after using facebook login
- Chinese Pinyin Input
- Cleanup Templates
- Community Polls
- Comprehensive Official Forum List
- Congratulatory e-mails for rank progression
- Consider some form of consultation system where Memrise Planned Changes are announced in advance
- Consider some form of consultation system where planned changes are announced in advance
- Conventions for Brazilian Portuguese-English Courses
- Conventions for Chinese-English Courses
- Conventions for French-English Courses
- Conventions for German-English Courses
- Conventions for Italian-English Courses
- Conventions for Latin-English Courses
- Conventions for Russian-English Courses
- Conventions for Spanish-English Courses
- Copyright and Privacy Policy
- Correct errors found on existing courses
- Correct while learning!
- Course Contributor's Guide
- Course Creation App for Course Authors
- Course Creation Convention
- Course Creation Guide
- Course Creation Tips and Tricks
- Course Technical issues
- Course creation Addons & Scripts
- Course teaching all the parts of the plant, such as root, trunk, stalk, leaf, subparts in advanced levels.
- Courses Creation Issues
- Courses Creation Technical issues
- Courses and Learning
- Curator
- December Downtimes
- Developer's Guide
- Dictionary Convention
- Discovering Memrise
- Double Enter Tip to Learn or Water faster
- EA: Anglais Débutant à Avancé
- EasyAcademy/Code of conduct
- EasyFinnish/Grammar
- EasyFrench/Grammar
- EasyGerman/Grammar
- EasyItalian/Grammar
- EasyPolyglot
- EasyPolyglot:Contributor's Guide/New
- EasyPolyglot:Contributor's Guide/Old
- EasyPolyglot:Contributors
- EasyPolyglot:Contributors/Guide
- EasyPolyglot:Contributors/Guidelines
- EasyPolyglot:Polls
- EasyPolyglot:Tips&Tricks
- EasyPortuguese/Grammar
- EasySpanish/Grammar
- EasySwedish/Grammar
- Edit our memes from the last session directly from the list which says "your memes from the last session"
- Editing mems once they're uploaded
- Enable private lists (like for learning some important phone numbers)
- EnglishGrammar/TappingTest
- English Beginner and Intermediate
- Entries could be numbered in the database
- Espagnol Débutant à Avancé
- Every word what I typed in one big personal dictionary!!! no duplicates!!! & use ALTernations
- Extended ASCII Codes
- External Resources for Learning
- Fix long standing issues with the course creation tools.
- Forgive accidental typos
- French
- Frequently Asked Questions
- German Irregular Verbs
- Getting Started Guide
- Give us more Options
- Google Input Tools
- Greater tolerance for typos
- Hello!
- Help to edit and create a Wiki
- Hints to better enjoy Memrise
- Holiday Mode
- Home
- How are you actually meant to use Memrise?
- How do I...
- How do I add Mempals?
- How do I ignore words - Ignore Function
- How to Activate the Tapping Test
- How to Auto-grow (bulk planting)
- How to Auto Ignore Items
- How to Disable the Tapping/Rearrange Test
- How to add Video Mems ?
- How to add on-screen Keyboard to a course
- How to be tested on the gender ?
- How to become a curator
- How to change profile picture?
- How to create a Course ?
- How to create a no-typing course
- How to create an image-based course
- How to create animated Mem
- How to create the perfect Learning environment
- How to desactivate Strictly Typing
- How to desactivate Typing
- How to display the gender on new words ?
- How to have Mems in any Course
- How to pull Mems from the wikis into a course
- How to pull wiki audio into any course
- How to remove Facebook link from one's profile
- How to reverse the testing in a level ?
- How to search on Memrise Forums
- How to to Transfer Memrise Data to SD card
- How to upload animated mems
- How to use memrise
- How to write in Japanese
- Ideas
- Inapropriate mems
- Input Tools for Memrise
- Keeping our enthusiasm for Memrise
- Keyboard Tips and Tricks
- Languages:Ressources
- Learning Advices
- Learning and Motivation
- List of Memrise Course Categories
- List of Memrise Forums
- List of all Trees in the World with pictures (both simple name/scientific name) or just simple name.
- List of all the Wiki Databases
- Mem Creation
- Mem Issues
- Memrise, Teaching and Classroom
- Memrise: Rules of Conduct
- Memrise API
- Memrise AccessKeys
- Memrise Addons & Scripts
- Memrise BETA
- Memrise Bugs
- Memrise Community
- Memrise Comparison with Anki
- Memrise Courses Presentation
- Memrise Desktop App (Windows/iOs)
- Memrise Dictionaries
- Memrise Environment Images
- Memrise Forum Issues
- Memrise Forum Tips and Tricks
- Memrise Future
- Memrise Hotkeys & Accesskeys
- Memrise Keyboard Shortcuts
- Memrise Languages Forum
- Memrise Members
- Memrise Minimal Design
- Memrise Mobile Apps
- Memrise Mobile Apps/How to use a Big course(Offline)
- Memrise Mobile Apps/How to use a course(Offline)
- Memrise Mobile Apps/Synching Problem
- Memrise News and Projects
- Memrise Point System
- Memrise Premium
- Memrise Ranks
- Memrise Ranks Meaning
- Memrise Reporting / Learning History
- Memrise Review
- Memrise Site Interface / Tutorial User Translation
- Memrise Slowdowns
- Memrise Spaced Repetition Intervals
- Memrise Staff Projects Infos
- Memrise Statistics
- Memrise Study Groups
- Memrise Suggestion Issues
- Memrise Typing
- Memrise Updates
- Memrise Upload Script
- Memrise Users Translation Project
- Memrise Users Wiki Help
- Memrise V1 Site
- Memrise Various Info
- Memrise Website and Apps
- Memrise and Github
- Memrise for Teachers
- Mems
- Mems:Conventions:fr
- Mems Formatting Feature
- Mems in courses to be shown always even while testing words.
- Minimal Interface Hack
- More Options for "Voting" Against Mems
- More Pinned courses
- Multimedia Levels
- Navigation
- New Uprise Version 0.3
- No Typing Courses
- Offline mode bug
- Organize Courses and Have a Rating System
- Pause button larger.
- People from the Beta and Memrise
- Planting
- Points for creating courses
- Possibility to change the sequence of the levels
- Possibility to combine courses
- Possibility to share courses for person in private who registred
- Private Messages / IRC
- Promote the Forums and Course Forums More
- Reporting Offensive Mems
- Request for Scripts/Addons Creation
- SRS - Spaced repetition System
- Search on Memrise
- Secret Beta Courses
- Share items across courses to eliminate redundancy.
- Share mems across courses.
- Show Course in Mems
- Sincing : How to sync Apps with Online data ?
- Software helping to create Courses
- Some kind of point bonus for speed and/or speed ranking board.
- Spanish Convention
- Speed Bonus
- Starting levels only when users are ready:
- Statistic page like Anki Graphs
- Suggestions for Bugs
- Suggestions for Course Creation
- Suggestions for Learning
- Suggestions for Memrise Community
- Suggestions for Mems
- Suggestions for Mobile Apps
- Tapping Test
- Template
- TestPage
- The ability to find and add mems outside of a course.
- Tips and Tricks
- To be able to use audio from a database, even if my course is not in english
- To go further - Outside Memrise
- Trees / Botany courses with pictures / identification.
- Uprise
- Uprise/How to add alt answers or new words with TSV files
- Uprise Instructions
- Users Forums
- Video Mems
- Virtual keyboards for languages that use alphabets beside the Roman alphabet.
- Vocabulary Retention
- Watering
- What's a mem?
- While using the app, at least repeat a word twice during one watering session. Once is to little, no learning effect
- Wiki-mems : Ability to improve best Mems
- Wikia Resources
- Writing in colour to indicate the gender